#5070 Baseline Inventory Report for the Dahl Forest
NOTE: This project can be completed remotely.
Habitat loss and degradation are the greatest threats to biodiversity in Canada today. To mitigate this process in the Haliburton Highlands, the HHLT acquires lands of ecological and cultural significance for conservation purposes. The project objective is to incorporate data from the previously established Permanent Sample Plots (PSPs) in the Dahl Forest to create a Baseline Inventory Report of the forest. Students will also develop a database that is spatially relatable to the existing GIS framework. Having a baseline will make room for additional data collection such as vegetation and soil data for each of the PSPs.
NOTE: This project can be completed remotely.
Habitat loss and degradation are the greatest threats to biodiversity in Canada today. To mitigate this process in the Haliburton Highlands, the HHLT acquires lands of ecological and cultural significance for conservation purposes. The project objective is to incorporate data from the previously established Permanent Sample Plots (PSPs) in the Dahl Forest to create a Baseline Inventory Report of the forest. Students will also develop a database that is spatially relatable to the existing GIS framework. Having a baseline will make room for additional data collection such as vegetation and soil data for each of the PSPs.